Prof. Nejc Košnik

Prof. Nejc Košnik

Nejc Košnik is a senior researcher at the Jožef Stefan Institute and an associate professor at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana. His research focuses on quantum phenomena at the scale of elementary particles: interference effects and...
Prof. Jernej F. Kamenik

Prof. Jernej F. Kamenik

Jernej F. Kamenik is a particle theorist with strong interest in quark and lepton flavour phenomenology at current and future high energy particle colliders, top quark and Higgs physics, and the interplay of particle physics with other fields, specifically cosmology...
Prof. Jernej Mravlje

Prof. Jernej Mravlje

Jernej Mravlje is a member of the Department of Theoretical Physics of Jozef Stefan Institute and an associate professor at the Physics department of FMF, University of Ljubljana. He investigates transport properties of realistic multi-orbital systems that he...

Prof. Lev Vidmar

Lev Vidmar is a scientific councillor at Jožef Stefan Institute and an associated professor of physics at the Faculty of mathematics and physics, University of Ljubljana. He is the principal investigator of the ERC project Boundary, in which he explores boundaries of...