Prof. Matej Komelj

Matej Komelj is a scientist at the Jožef Stefan Institute, where he investigates magnetic materials, particularly by means of modeling. He introduces quantum-computing methods, like quantum- variational eigensolver (VQE). His research activities are closely related to...
Dr. Marion van Midden Mavrič

Dr. Marion van Midden Mavrič

Marion A. van Midden Mavrič is a principal investigator in the Scanning Probe Microscopy Lab at JSI, where she is establishing her own research group. Her work focuses on surfaces of quantum materials, with the aim of understanding how interactions at the atomic and...

Prof. Erik Zupanič

Erik Zupanič is an ass. prof. at the University of Ljubljana and the Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School, the head of the Scanning Probe Microscopy Laboratory, and a senior researcher at the Cold Atoms Lab at the Jožef Stefan Institute. His expertise lies...