Dr. Jaka Vodeb

Dr. Jaka Vodeb

Jaka Vodeb is a postdoctoral researcher at Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ) and an expert in quantum simulation. At FZJ, he is involved in cutting-edge studies that bridge theoretical and experimental approaches to quantum systems. Dr. Vodeb collaborates with various...

Prof. Miha Ravnik

Miha Ravnik is scientific councilor at the Jožef Stefan Institute (IJS) and a full professor of physics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana (FMF UL). At IJS, he leads the research program for the Physics of Soft Matter, Surfaces, and...

Prof. Matej Komelj

Matej Komelj is a scientist at the Jožef Stefan Institute, where he investigates magnetic materials, particularly by means of modeling. He introduces quantum-computing methods, like quantum- variational eigensolver (VQE). His research activities are closely related to...