Prof. Matej Pregelj

Matej Pregelj is a scientific associate at JSI and an assistant professor of physics at FMF UL. At JSI, he leads the neutron scattering efforts in the Laboratory for Measurements at Large-Scale User Facilities. With a strong portfolio of high-impact publications and...

Prof. Denis Arčon

Denis Arčon is a scientific advisor at the Jožef Stefan Institute (IJS) and a full professor of physics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (FMF), University of Ljubljana (UL). At IJS, he serves as the head of the Solid State Physics Department and the head of...
Prof. Martin Klanjšek

Prof. Martin Klanjšek

Martin Klanjšek is a senior research associate at JSI and an assistant professor of physics at the FMF UL. At JSI he is the head of the Laboratory for solid state nuclear magnetic resonance and the coordinator of the JSI colloquia. His main research interest is...
Prof. Andrej Zorko

Prof. Andrej Zorko

Andrej Zorko is a scientific councillor at JSI and an associated professor of physics at the FMF UL. At JSI he is the head of the Laboratory for measurements at large-scale user facilities.  He is a Vice President of the International Society for muSR Spectroscopy and...