Dragan Mihailovic is a professor at the Physics Department at the University of Ljubljana and Head of Department of Complex Matter at the Jozef Stefan Institute. After studying Physics at Oxford (MA and DPhil, Balliol), he has held many positions of honour and received numerous awards for his past work, including the highest Slovenian Zois award for scientific achievements. He specializes in quantum nonequilibrium phenomena, focusing on ultrafast dynamics in quantum materials, non-thermal phase transitions, and light-induced quantum phases. His work bridges experimental condensed matter physics with theoretical modeling, emphasizing cutting-edge techniques like ultrafast spectroscopy, THz probing, and nonequilibrium control of quantum states. He has been awarded three ERC projects in the last 12 years. The current one has started in 2024 and is focused on investigating metastable states in quantum matter.
Dragan Mihailovic’s group offers an exceptional environment for postdocs seeking to explore quantum nonequilibrium phenomena. With access to state-of-the-art facilities and a strong international network of collaborators, the group provides unique opportunities to contribute to groundbreaking research at the frontier of quantum materials science.